Combating Financial Crime
May 8, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
With the continuation of this specialist conference in 2023, everyone involved wants to contribute to supporting the cooperation and training of public prosecutors, police, customs, financial and other administrative authorities.
Financial investigations by law enforcement authorities are of considerable importance for the detection, allocation, asset protection and confiscation of criminally obtained assets and for the fight against money laundering, terrorist financing and the investigation of other crimes including undeclared work. This also includes determining the circumstances that can serve as the basis for the statutory compensation for victims or compensation for damage.
In addition, procedural-independent financial investigations serve to investigate suspicious circumstances that arise, for example, from financial transactions or conspicuous financial behavior without a criminal offense being clearly attributable to them.
Follow the money
To effectively combating financial crime, for example the German Federal Ministry of Finance BMF bundle the most important competencies under the umbrella of a new authority: the “Federal Higher Authority to Combat Financial Crime” (BBF) from the three pillars of the new Federal Financial Crime Office BFKA, Financial Intelligence Unit FIU (which was located in the BKA until 2017) and the new one Central Office for Money Laundering Supervision. On October 11, 2023, the German Federal Cabinet approved the draft law to improve the fight against financial crime, or Financial Crime Combating Act (FKBG). The FKBG reorganizes the fight against financial crime, especially money laundering, in Germany. The FKBG represents an essential part of the current reform package to realign the fight against financial crime.
German Federal Minister of the Interior and Homeland Nancy Faeser and the President of the BKA Holger Münch emphasized at the BKA autumn conference in 2022 that the BKA and the Federal Police will therefore consistently further expand their financial investigation capabilities and promote the cooperation of all authorities. In addition, cooperation with the financial world must be further expanded.
Senior Criminal Director (retired) Jürgen Fauth
Cybercrime/Digital Traces Dept., Operations and Investigation Support Dept., LKA Baden-Württemberg
Lecture topics; The conference is mainly in German language, therefor please see the AGENDA at the German part of this site. Contents etc.
- Nationwide situation on money laundering and asset recovery
- New FIU risk assessment systems - further cooperation with cooperation authorities; Dr. Thora Funken, General Customs Directorate, head of department DX.A, also representative of the head of the FIU
- Cooperation between German and Italian financial law enforcement authorities in the fight against money laundering: Colonel Marco Tripodi; Guardia di Finanza
- Organisational developments at state level using the example of Baden-Württemberg
- Legal need for action still exists
- Clan crime and the role of money laundering
- Digital currencies - still a problem for the investigating authorities?
Zeit | Thema: Vortragende |
09:00 | Einführung in die Veranstaltung durch den Moderator: Jürgen Fauth, Ltd KD a.D. |
09:10 | Geldwäschebekämpfung & Vermögensabschöpfung – Stand und Perspektiven aus Sicht des BKA |
09:35 | Neue Risikobewertungssysteme der FIU - weitergehende Zusammenarbeit mit Zusammenarbeitsbehörden: RDin Daniela Dettmann, Leiterin des Arbeitsbereichs Grundsatz + ORRin Maike Plack, Leiterin des Arbeitsgebiets Zusammenarbeit mit Strafverfolgungsbehörden; Financial Intelligence Unit |
10:00 | Organisatorische Entwicklungen auf Landesebene am Beispiel Baden-Württembergs + Rechtlicher Handlungsbedarf besteht nach wie vor: Roland Probst, KD a.D., ehem. Leiter der Inspektion Finanzermittlungen (Geldwäsche und Vermögensabschöpfung) beim LKA BW |
10:30 | Gemeinsames Bekämpfen von Finanzkriminalität – Die Bedeutung von Workflow-Automatisierung und Massendatenverarbeitung: Karl Zettl; Iknaio Cryptoasset Analytics GmbH |
10:50 | Zusammenarbeit der deutschen und italienischen Finanz-Strafverfolgungsbehörden bei der Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche: Oberst Marco Tripodi; Guardia di Finanza |
11:10 | Geldwäsche im Krypto-Zeitalter: Analyse und Ermittlungsmöglichkeiten: Frau Minh Ngoc Dao; Chainalysis, Inc. |
11:30 | Kryptowährungen und deren Rückverfolgung: Benedikt Faupel, Bereichsleiter Blockchain; Bitkom e.V.12:00 |
12:00 | Mittagspause mit Messebesuch |
13:15 | Clankriminalität und die Rolle der Geldwäsche: KHK Reinhard Füllgraf; LKA Berlin |
14:00 | Geldwäsche durch fingierten Handel mit Gold - Ermittlungsverfahren "Golden Eye": Andreas Michler, Zollamtmann, Zentrale Finanzermittlungen - Polizei/Zoll -; Zollfahndungsamt Stuttgart |
14:45 | Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche durch den Einsatz von KI: Magdalene Ruhnau; SAS Institute GmbH |
15:00 | Zielgerichtete Ermittlungen in Firmengeflechten mittels der Software ORBIS: Dominik Kampmann, Director, Head of Defense, Intelligence & Law Enforcement, Europe & Africa; Moody’s Analytics Deutschland GmbH |
15:30 | Zusammenfassung und Verabschiedung: Moderator Jürgen Fauth, Ltd KD a.D. |