Programme 2024

Programme 2024


Zeit Themen: Vortragende
10:00 Begrüßung und Eröffnung: Dr. Uwe Wehrstedt, Veranstalter der GPEC® + Moderator Reiner Paul
10:10 Hochauflösende Bilder oder verhaltensabhängige Videoanalyse? Die Kombination machts aus! Mit Beispielen aus der Polizeipraxis: Frank Salder, Geschäftsführer; Dallmeier Systems
10:30 Projekt Videoschutz Mannheim - Algorithmen basierter Videoschutz als Baustein der urbanen Sicherheitsarchitektur + Skalierbarkeit von künstlicher Intelligenz am Beispiel intelligenter Videobeobachtung (Erläuterung der Möglichkeiten, aber auch der „Knackpunkte“ bei der Implementierung in bestehende Systeme): Nikolai Kinne, Projektleiter + Mathias Homann, IVBeo2; Polizei Hamburg
11:30 Intelligente Videoauswertung für Sicherheit und Resilienz der Gesellschaft: Thomas Golda, Videoauswertesysteme; Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung IOSB
11:55 KI in der Ermittlungspraxis: Innovative Identifikation und Analyse von Bild- und Videomaterial für maximale Effektivität und Rechtskonformität: Dominik Kahsche, Solution Consultant + Jochen Matthaeus, Senior Key Account Manager Innere Sicherheit; rola Security Solutions GmbH
12:20 Das digitale Rig als intelligentes, bildbasiertes, forensisches Instrument“: Prof. Dr. Dirk Labudde, Professor für Allgemeine und Digitale Forensik sowie Leiter des Forensic Science Investigation Lab (FoSIL); University of Applied Sciences, Mittweida
12:50 Serverthema für Datenübertragung und -speicherung von Bodycam-Daten
13:15 Zusammenfassung und Abschluss; Moderator Reiner Paul


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Conference Video Intelligence 2024


8th May 2024


Vigilant instead of surveillance - that's what we mean by modern video recording and analysis technology. While the majority of the population, according to representative surveys, advocate a higher vigilance through video usage, many of these projects are failing in various legal hurdles. It seems that people still prefer to collect data from private software companies overseas, rather than from their democratically legitimized constitutional state.

And this despite the fact that the possibilities for combating and clarifying crime today are at an very high level. Not only the recording thanks to unbeatable sensor solutions, but also the evaluation and analysis with the help of artificial intelligence and deep learning could raise the public security to an even higher level. The topic of the evaluation of mass data suggests in any case a completely new chapter of police work.

The conference "Video Intelligence 2024" will pick up these new technical possibilities and examine the practical implementations based on current projects. Together, a basis should be created, how public as well as legal concerns can be permanently eliminated. Everything on May 8th, 2024 as part of the GPEC® 2024!

Last but not least, competent companies play their part in this, which through intensive research and innovative ideas contribute to making the work of the police and judiciary more effective. Among other things, technology leaders will report on their practical successes and solutions for security authorities.


Moderator: Polizeidirektor Dirk Herzbach M.A., Polizeipräsidium Mannheim


For the agenda and the application form, please see the German site of this conference.